
The F1 Bingo Card Generator is a tool to help you generate bingo cards for the 2025 Formula 1 season in a matter of seconds. Every bingo card that is generated is in a random order, so you can play with your friends and family by asking them to generate a card as well. This tool was created because one of our developers was making F1 bingo cards for his friends and family, and he thought it would be a good idea to make a tool to help others do the same. Please visit the GitHub page if you like our tool, GitHub stars are a great way to show your support. We also have a Discord server, where you can ask questions or give feedback.

About the Generator

The bingo card generator always puts the race starts square in the middle of the card. It then places the safety car, vsc, and red flag squares randomly around the card. The remaining possible squares are then placed at random in the remaining 21 squares. The generator will never place two of the same square on the same bingo card. This means that if you generate more than one bingo card, it is highly unlikely that you will get the same card.

Bingo Card Type

You can generate either a single race bingo card or a season bingo card. Single race bingo cards are designed to be used over the course of a single race. Season bingo cards are designed to be used over the course of the entire season.

Paper Size

Basically, the size of the paper you want to print the bingo card on. Letter is the standard size for the United States and Canada. A4 is the standard size for the rest of the world. Choose accordingly! Only really matters if you are printing the bingo card.


Whether you want small or large margins on the bingo card. It is recommended to use large margins if you are printing the bingo card.

Party Mode

Warning: intensifies lag made by Number to Generate

Have lots of friends? Select Party Mode "On" to get 4 mini bingo cards per page. This feature is good if you are planning to host a viewing party and want to give everyone a bingo card. Print the page and cut the cards out! Also good if you just want a small and portable bingo card.

Number to Generate

Warning: high numbers cause lag

How many bingo cards you want to generate. It should be noted that the more bingo cards you generate, the longer it will take for the preview and download to load. Selecting big numbers here can cause some long loading times. To avoid this the absolute maximum is set to 10 (and yes even this is too much).

F1 Bingo Card Generator

Select your options and click generate to get your bingo card!



This can fail if you selected a large pdf. It takes the longest with Party Mode "On" and Number to Generate being "10". Please be patient or try again with a smaller pdf. After a few seconds the download will work even if the preview fails.

We suggest printing the pdf. You can also use the card by drawing on the pdf on a tablet or phone.

Don't like the card you generated? Click generate again to get a completely new card!

If you are on mobile, you may have to click your browser's share button after the pdf opens on another page in order to download it. Also on mobile the preview only shows the first page, but the download button will work for all pages.

Download PDF

Possible Squares

On every bingo card you will find the following squares:

Race Starts

Race Starts

Race Starts

This square appears at the center of every bingo card. For single race cards it acts as a free square (hopefully). For Season cards, has 24 race starts that must be crossed off before you can cross off the bingo square. It's up to you whether you choose to count race restarts as race starts (I, the creator, do count restarts).
Race Starts

Race Starts

Safety Car

This square appears in every bingo card but in a random location. The single race version is self explanatory. The intention with season cards is for the numbers to be crossed off when the safety car goes on track until you reach 10 safety cars, then cross off the square. The Virtual Safety Car does not count towards this square.
Race Starts

Race Starts

Virtual Safety Car

This square appears in every bingo card but in a random location. The single race version is self explanatory. The intention with season cards is for the numbers to be crossed off when the virtual safety car goes on track until you reach 8 virtual safety cars, then cross off the square. The Safety Car does not count towards this square.
Race Starts

Race Starts

Red Flag

This square appears on every bingo card but in a random location. The single race version is self explanatory. The intention with season cards is for the numbers to be crossed off when the red flag is shown until you reach 4 red flags, then cross off the square. Upto you if red flags in qualifying count.

Here are some examples of other possible squares that fill the remaining 21 squares on each bingo card:

There are many more --generate cards to see them all!

Max does not win the race

Finally Some Variety

Race Cards

Check this one off if Max Verstappen doesn't win the race.

It Rains!!

Race Cards

Check this one off if it rains during the race.
Penalty is given

A Penalty is Given

Race Cards

A penalty is given out to a driver during the race. Any single penalty will do to check off this square.
Victories from pole with 8 required for the square

Pole Driver Also Wins

Season Cards

The driver who starts on pole position also wins the race. 8 of these are required to check off this square. Upto you if sprint races count.
Heart, Home Win!

Driver Wins at Home

Season Cards

If any driver wins a race in their home country, check this square off. When is the Dutch GP again?
Wet and dry tires used in one race

Drying Track or Rain

Season Cards

If both a type of wet tire and a type of dry tire are are used during the same race, check this square off. Wet tires are blue/green and dry tires are red/yellow/white.